Fear Blocks Unconditional Love and Luck, Stopping Hope in Its Tracks

I’m done playing small, are you?

Anaya Nosso


Photo by Ben Hershey on Unsplash

I’m walking on eggshells,

trying not to crack under pressure.

I hold my head up high,

even when my neck stiffens.

My latest choices feel menacing,

This anxiety’s threatening,

It seems like everything is shaky,

unstable, crumbling

like cookies,

But, I’m sooooo over being flaky.

How do you cultivate your genius when you’re too afraid to show it?

I don’t even know.

Although, truth be told,

I don’t even know what I’m afraid of.

Because I been knowing and still know better,

It’s all fake news,

now that, I finally believe in myself enough to be a real goal-getter.

You see, it seems simple,

and fears sound silly when you share them aloud,

but in the mind, they grow too big and blossom too quick,

like Jack’s weeds in the clouds.



Anaya Nosso

I help people heal with my words via poetry, personal development, and creativity tips. I’m open to writing opportunities! Contact me at ayanaosson@gmail.com